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Feeling Grateful for Bethany

Jered Stewart

A cold November rain, short days and long dark nights...this time of year can be tough. The winter can almost be easier in some ways because we’ve had time to adapt, but the process of getting there seems more painful as we transition to the biting cold. Perhaps it is most appropriate that “thanks giving” is in November. It’s a good reminder to stop complaining about the weather and to be thankful for all that we have. May we be thankful for a roof over our heads at night, for heat that works, and clean water to drink. Many millions of people do not have these simple luxuries. May we be thankful.

Personally, I am grateful for many things - my wife, family, friends, church, and my job at Bethany. Although, since I’ve been working here, I don’t really feel like I have a job at all. Rather, I feel like I have a purpose, and I think that distinction is important. No matter who you are, no matter your age or upbringing, it’s important for all of us to feel like we have a purpose. And if you’re reading this right now, please know, you have a purpose!

As we approach the end of the year, our days will be filled with busyness - holiday planning, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas parties, and plans for the year ahead. I’ve already been thinking a great deal about 2018 and what’s ahead for Bethany. In talking with staff and discussing our mission, vision, and values, I have been struck by the strength of and care for our values and culture. Everyone here truly believes in what we do. We provide housing and services to our residents and we do our best to make their lives better. Our team does not work for recognition and fanfare. They work here because they want to make someone’s life better, they feel a strong sense of community and family, and they care for our residents and for each other. If you live at one of our communities, I’m sure you know this already. We have a special group of people. People who will stop what they are doing to help anyone. People that will come in the middle of the night to help if you call with an emergency. People that help deliver a meal to your door when you pick up the phone. People who will sit with you when you’ve fallen and hold your hand until help arrives. Our people care, and they want to help.

I am thankful for these people, the staff members who make this place great. I’m sure you are thankful as well. If you are, tell them, or better yet, take a minute and write a thank you note.

Tell them something great about themselves, build them up, and let them know you care.

Thank you for thanking them.

And thank you for letting us serve you. Happy Thanksgiving!

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and never giving it.”

~William Ward

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